Help! My Gargoyle Gecko Has Stuck Shed

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Gargoyle geckos look cool and have friendly personalities, making them awesome pets for reptile fans. But sometimes, taking care of them can be tricky. Usually, these geckos shed their skin easily, but when they don't, it can be a bit worrisome. Knowing what to do in those situations is really important for keeping these cool pets happy and healthy.

Gargoyle geckos usually shed their skin on their own, and they don't usually need any help. However, there are three main things that can make shedding a bit tricky.

The first common reason for shedding issues in gargoyle geckos is problems with humidity. These geckos like it humid, ideally between 60% and 80% most of the time. It's good if things in their home dry out a bit between mistings. Sometimes the humidity might need to go down to around 50% for a short time, but if it goes below that, it can lead to shedding problems.

The second common issue, especially for baby and young geckos, is getting food dried and stuck on them, which can then cause shedding problems.

Lastly, shedding can happen because of nutritional issues. To prevent and fix this problem, it's important to feed them a good diet.

So, It’s Happened, What Now?

While preventing shedding issues is important, sometimes it happens despite our efforts. So, what do you do when it occurs?

The first step is to mist the enclosure thoroughly. Often, this simple action is enough to assist your gecko in getting through the shedding process. I recommend misting generously and then letting your gecko be until the next day. Other interventions can be stressful for the gecko, so giving them some time to see if misting resolves the issue is a gentle approach. However, be sure to check on your gecko the following day.

Another helpful method is to create a humid hide. You can achieve this by using a hide with a small opening and filling it with damp moss. This allows the gecko to crawl into an area with higher humidity to aid in shedding. You have a couple of options for creating a humid hide: you can cut a hole in the lid of a lunch container (like a sandwich box) and fill it with moss, or add moss to a reptile-specific hide with sides and a bottom. An arboreal hide can also work, as long as the opening is small to help retain humidity. This is a stress-free option for your gecko, but it's important to note that it relies on your gargoyle gecko choosing to enter the hide. Therefore, it's recommended to combine this method with misting the enclosure.

Next Steps

After misting your enclosure generously to increase humidity and returning the next day only to find your gecko still dealing with stuck shed, it's time to offer a bit more assistance. Grab a cotton swab (q-tip) and a small dish of water. With gentle care, hold your gecko, wet the cotton swab, and delicately rub the area with stuck shed. This typically helps the shed peel off without causing any harm.

Throughout this process, be cautious not to pull on the shed. Tugging forcefully may risk tearing the new skin beneath the old one.

If your gecko has a significant amount of stuck shed or becomes distressed during the process, it's advisable to give it a break and try again later. During this break, maintain high humidity in the enclosure and provide the humid hide to create a comfortable environment for your gecko.

Tips for Toes

Another challenge faced by many gargoyle gecko owners involves stuck food and shed on their geckos' feet, especially in very young geckos. This issue arises when food gets stuck on their feet, leading to the shed sticking as well. If left unattended, it can even result in the loss of geckos' toes.

So, what do you do when this happens?

Follow the tips mentioned earlier for handling stuck shed, as they often prove effective. However, in stubborn cases, particularly when shed is stuck on the feet, you can take additional steps. Place your gecko in a shallow dish of water to thoroughly wet the feet. Use a cotton swab to gently rub the affected area. If this proves insufficient, you can employ a toothpick to carefully scrape away the stuck food and shed between the toes. Exercise caution to avoid accidentally poking your gecko's toes during this process.

Prevention is Really Important

While the techniques mentioned above can be helpful in addressing issues, it's crucial to emphasize that prevention is the most critical aspect.

Humidity: Gargoyle geckos are wonderfully low-maintenance reptiles. However, the ease of care sometimes leads to overlooking their specific humidity needs. Among the various aspects of caring for gargoyle geckos, humidity stands out as one of the most vital factors.

Maintaining an ideal humidity level of 60 to 80% is essential for the well-being of gargoyle geckos. Yet, achieving these numbers may not be straightforward.

Regular misting is a key element of gargoyle gecko care, but the frequency depends on the natural humidity in both your home and the gecko's enclosure. Misting becomes necessary when humidity drops to 50 or 60%, depending on whether things are drying out appropriately. It's crucial to strike a balance where things dry enough to prevent mold growth. If there's mold in the enclosure, it indicates insufficient drying between mistings.

The choice of substrate significantly influences humidity levels. Opt for a substrate that retains moisture, such as bioactive soil, coco fiber, husk, or cypress mulch. Additionally, incorporating live plants, moss, and bark can further enhance humidity in the gecko's enclosure. Taking these preventative measures ensures a comfortable and healthy environment for your gargoyle gecko.

For effective monitoring of your enclosure's humidity, I strongly endorse the Govee hygrometer and thermometer. It's a must-have tool for every reptile keeper. By connecting to your phone, this device provides real-time data over an extended period. This feature enables you to track fluctuations in humidity, empowering you to make informed decisions about misting times and maintaining an optimal environment for your reptile.

Watch Those Toes

Avoiding the accumulation of food and stuck shed on the feet of baby and juvenile gargoyle geckos can be challenging. Nevertheless, a practical approach to prevent stuck shed when they walk through their food is to promptly rinse their feet if you notice anything on their feet. Taking immediate care of such situations can significantly reduce the likelihood of it becoming a more significant concern.


The ultimate preventive measure involves ensuring your gecko receives proper nutrition. In my view, maintaining optimal humidity and nutrition are the two most crucial factors for the well-being of gargoyle geckos. Provide your gecko with a freshly prepared commercially available gecko diet three times a week. While offering bugs can offer mental stimulation and ensure sufficient protein intake, it's essential to dust these bugs with calcium with D3 if your gecko lacks UVB lighting, or calcium without D3 if UVB lighting is provided. This extra calcium is crucial for their overall nutritional balance.

However, not all gecko diets are of equal quality. In the United States, high-quality gecko foods from Pangea and Repashy are readily available. Zoo Med's gecko food has also improved significantly, making it a reasonable choice. Nonetheless, it's crucial to avoid feeding them "bites" type foods, jelly pots, dried bugs, canned bugs, jams and jelly, or baby food for a well-rounded and nutritious diet.

In the journey of caring for your captivating gargoyle gecko, overcoming shed issues is a crucial chapter. By delving into the strategies discussed in this guide, you've gained insights into both preventive measures and responsive actions when shed challenges arise.

Remember, vigilance in maintaining optimal humidity, choosing the right substrate, and offering a well-balanced diet form the foundation of preventing shedding issues. However, if you find your gecko grappling with stuck shed, the gentle techniques outlined can provide effective solutions.

Your role as a caregiver goes beyond troubleshooting; it's about creating an environment where your gecko feels secure and thrives. Regular misting, the introduction of a humid hide, and a keen eye on their diet and habitat contribute to a holistic approach.

As you navigate the delicate process of assisting your gargoyle gecko through shedding, patience is key. Allow the methods time to work, monitor their progress, and be attuned to your gecko's needs. With the right care, you'll witness your gargoyle gecko shedding its skin comfortably, revealing the vibrant and healthy reptilian companion beneath.

Continue your journey with curiosity, compassion, and a commitment to the well-being of your gargoyle gecko. Together, you and your remarkable reptilian friend can embark on many more shedding cycles, each one a testament to the bond you share and the care you provide.


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