Gecko Showdown: Crested Vs. Gargoyle

Hey there gecko enthusiasts and potential pet owners! If you've found your way to this blog post, you're probably on a quest to decide which gecko species would make the perfect addition to your home. Well, you're in the right place because today, we're diving into a showdown between two captivating gecko breeds: the Crested Gecko and the Gargoyle Gecko.

These remarkable reptiles have been winning the hearts of reptile lovers everywhere, but which one is the best fit for you? We're here to help you make that decision by exploring the unique characteristics, care requirements, and personalities of Crested Geckos and Gargoyle Geckos. So, grab a comfy seat and let's embark on this gecko adventure together!

Characteristics of Crested Geckos

Crested Geckos, scientifically known as Correlophus ciliatus, have been capturing the attention of reptile enthusiasts for good reason. Let's dive into the distinctive characteristics that make them stand out:

A. Physical Appearance

Crested Geckos are visually striking creatures. They typically measure between 6 to 10 inches in length and come in a stunning array of colors and patterns. Some key features include:

  • Crested Crest: Perhaps the most iconic trait is the row of soft, fringed crests running from the head to the tail. These crests can be raised to give your gecko a unique appearance.

  • Color Morphs: Crested Geckos are available in various color morphs, from vibrant reds and oranges to deep browns and olive greens. This diversity allows you to choose a gecko with the colors that appeal to you most.

B. Temperament

One of the endearing qualities of Crested Geckos is their gentle disposition. They are generally considered docile and easy to handle, making them suitable for beginners and experienced reptile keepers alike. Crested Geckos are less likely to stress or bite when compared to some other reptile species, making them a great choice for those seeking a low-maintenance companion.

C. Care Requirements

To provide the best possible care for your Crested Gecko, it's essential to understand their habitat and dietary needs:

  • Habitat: Crested Geckos are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time in trees. They require a vertical terrarium with branches and foliage to climb and hide among.

  • Temperature and Humidity: Maintain a temperature range of 72-80°F (22-27°C) and humidity levels between 50% to 80% in their enclosure.

  • Diet: These geckos are omnivores, and their diet primarily consists of commercially produced fruit and insect-based powdered diets, with the occasional offering of calcium-dusted insects.

D. Pros of owning a Crested Gecko

Here are some advantages to consider when thinking about bringing a Crested Gecko into your life:

  • Low Maintenance: Crested Geckos are relatively easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginners.

  • Gentle Nature: Their friendly demeanor and lack of aggression make them enjoyable to handle.

  • Stunning Appearance: Their vibrant colors and unique crests make them visually appealing pets.

Now that we've explored the wonderful world of Crested Geckos, let's move on to the equally fascinating Gargoyle Geckos in the next section. Stay tuned to find out how these two gecko species compare!

Characteristics of Gargoyle Geckos

Now, let's shift our focus to the intriguing Gargoyle Geckos (Rhacodactylus auriculatus), known for their unique characteristics and captivating appearance:

A. Physical Appearance

Gargoyle Geckos are a visually distinctive species, setting them apart from other geckos. Here are some key features that define their appearance:

  • Horns: Their head is adorned with prominent, raised bumps, giving them a gargoyle or prehistoric appearance. These horns adds a touch of intrigue to their overall look.

  • Color Variations: Gargoyle Geckos come in a range of colors and patterns, making them appealing to enthusiasts who appreciate diversity. These colors can include shades of brown, grays, oranges, and even striking red hues.

B. Temperament

In terms of temperament, Gargoyle Geckos are generally known for being calm and manageable, similar to Crested Geckos. They tend to be less stressed by handling compared to some other reptile species, making them suitable for both novice and experienced reptile keepers.

C. Care Requirements

Understanding the care requirements of Gargoyle Geckos is crucial to ensure their well-being:

  • Habitat: Gargoyle Geckos are arboreal, so they require a vertical terrarium with branches and foliage for climbing and hiding. Their enclosure should resemble a forested environment.

  • Temperature and Humidity: Maintain a temperature range of 72-80°F (22-27°C) and humidity levels between 60% to 80% to replicate their natural habitat.

  • Diet: Gargoyle Geckos eat the same commercially prepared diet as crested geckos though some argue that they need more protein. Providing more protein can come in the form of choosing a diet that includes more insects such as Pangea growth and breeder or it can come by providing plenty of calcium-dusted insects once a week.

D. Pros of owning a Gargoyle Gecko

Here are some advantages to consider when contemplating Gargoyle Geckos as pets:

  • Unique Appearance: Their distinctive texture and coloration set them apart from other gecko species, making them a visually striking addition to your reptile collection.

  • Low Maintenance: Similar to Crested Geckos, Gargoyle Geckos are relatively low-maintenance and suitable for reptile enthusiasts of all levels.

  • Engaging Behavior: Watching them climb and explore their terrarium can be a fascinating and enjoyable experience.

Now that we've explored the captivating characteristics of both Crested Geckos and Gargoyle Geckos, let's move on to the next section to delve deeper into the key differences between these two remarkable gecko species.

What Sets them Apart?

So, you're pondering the delightful world of geckos and wondering whether a Crested Gecko or a Gargoyle Gecko is the perfect companion for you. Well, buckle up, because we're about to delve into the unique traits that make each of these gecko species stand out. At first glance, it might seem like it's all about appearances, but trust us, there's much more to consider when picking your gecko buddy.

Physical Characteristics

When it comes to aesthetics, it's all about personal preference. Crested Geckos flaunt a soft, almost derpy charm that some folks find irresistibly cute. On the flip side, Gargoyle Geckos sport a more rugged, dinosaur-like or even crocodilian appearance, which has its own unique allure. But wait, there's more to these geckos than meets the eye:

  • Softness: If we're talking sheer "softness," Crested Geckos take the crown. Those spikes on their skin might look prickly, but they're surprisingly soft. Gargoyle Geckos, however, have a rougher texture on the tops of their heads and bodies.

  • Stickiness: Crested Geckos feel a lot stickier due to their toe pads. But beware, when you scoop them up, their nails can sometimes scratch your skin. Gargoyle Geckos, on the other hand, use their claws more, which may feel rough from the start but are less likely to snag your skin.

  • Durability: Gargoyle Geckos tend to be a bit sturdier, making them a good choice for younger handlers.

  • Varieties: Crested Geckos come in a wider array of colors and patterns compared to Gargoyle Geckos. However, Gargoyle Geckos offer more intense shades of red and orange, which can be a deciding factor if you're after a specific hue.


When it comes to temperament, each gecko is a unique individual. However, there are some general traits to consider:

  • Handability: Both geckos are typically easy to handle, but adult Crested Geckos can be a bit jumpier. Gargoyle Geckos tend to calm down more as adults, offering a smoother handling experience. Your preference for interactive (crested gecko jumpiness) or calm handling (gargoyle gecko walking) should guide your choice.

  • Defensiveness: Gargoyle Geckos are more likely to exhibit defensive behaviors, especially in their enclosure. This territorial behavior is less common but can also happen with Crested Geckos. Neither can do real harm, but it can still be startling to get bitten by one of these geckos.

  • Settling In: Both geckos need time to settle into their new environment. Crested Geckos usually take one to two weeks, while Gargoyle Geckos may require even longer. Patience is key!

Care and Habitat Requirements

A few more factors to consider:

  • Protein: While Gargoyle Geckos are often said to require more protein, the difference is often overstated. Both geckos can benefit from the occasional insect treat alongside their primary diets.

  • Climbing Differences: Crested Geckos are "stickier" and tend to cling to glass, while Gargoyle Geckos are less likely to do so. Ensure that your Gargoyle Gecko's enclosure provides alternative climbing opportunities, like branches and cork bark.

  • Basking: Gargoyle Geckos are more likely to bask and be active during the day, although individual behavior may vary.

Other Considerations

A few more things to keep in mind:

  • Frog-Butts or No?: Crested Geckos may lose their tails, while Gargoyle Geckos are less likely to do so. Gargoyle Geckos also have a better chance of regrowing a lost tail.

  • Cost and Availability: Crested Geckos are more readily available and affordable. Gargoyle Geckos tend to be pricier due to their scarcity.

  • Hardiness: Both geckos are hardy, but Gargoyle Geckos are a bit more forgiving of suboptimal conditions.

  • Breeding: Breeding Crested Geckos is straightforward, and they produce more eggs annually than Gargoyle Geckos.

In your gecko journey, remember that individual personalities can vary, so connect with breeders and spend time with these charming creatures before making your final choice. Happy gecko hunting!

Choosing the Right Gecko For You

Now that we've explored the fascinating world of both Crested Geckos and Gargoyle Geckos, it's time to answer the big question: Which gecko is the perfect match for you and your unique circumstances? Let's break it down:

Assess Your Lifestyle and Preferences

First and foremost, consider your lifestyle, preferences, and what you're looking for in a gecko companion:

  • Handling Experience: Are you seeking a more interactive handling experience with your gecko? If so, the jumpier nature of Crested Geckos might provide a fun challenge. On the other hand, if you prefer a calmer handling experience, Gargoyle Geckos tend to mellow out as they mature.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Do you find the soft, derpy charm of Crested Geckos irresistible, or are you drawn to the rugged, almost prehistoric look of Gargoyle Geckos? Your visual preferences play a significant role in this decision.

Consideration of Care Requirements

Matching the gecko's care requirements with your abilities and resources is crucial:

  • Time and Attention: Assess how much time you can dedicate to your gecko's care. Both species have similar care requirements, but Gargoyle Geckos might be slightly more forgiving of minor care mistakes.

  • Availability and Budget: Consider the availability and cost of these geckos in your area. Crested Geckos are more commonly found and are generally more affordable, making them a practical choice for many.

Personal Connection

Sometimes, the heart knows what it wants. You may find yourself drawn to one gecko species over the other due to an inexplicable connection. Trust your instincts and the bond you feel with your potential pet.

Encourage Research

Lastly, embark on a journey of research. Dive deep into the world of gecko care, handling, and husbandry. Engage with experienced gecko keepers, consult reputable sources, and join online forums or groups to gather insights and advice. You can find lots of information on my blog, but you can also check out the care guides for both species:

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. I love talking about reptiles and will happily answer questions. If you want a chance to handle each of these geckos we would love to see you at one of the reptile shows that we vend. You can find out where we will be on the “Events” tab.

Remember, the choice between a Crested Gecko and a Gargoyle Gecko ultimately depends on your lifestyle, preferences, and commitment to providing the best care. Both gecko species have their unique charms and qualities, so take your time in making this exciting decision.

Congratulations, gecko enthusiasts, you've now journeyed through the captivating world of Crested Geckos and Gargoyle Geckos! We've explored their physical characteristics, temperaments, care requirements, and the key differences that set them apart. Now, the moment of truth has arrived, and it's time to decide which gecko species is the perfect fit for you.

Ultimately, the choice between a Crested Gecko and a Gargoyle Gecko should be based on your individual preferences and circumstances. Both gecko species have their unique allure, making this decision an exciting and personal one.

We encourage you to continue your gecko journey by delving deeper into gecko care, engaging with experienced keepers, and conducting thorough research. Feel free to share your experiences or ask questions in the gecko-loving community; you're bound to find a wealth of knowledge and support.

Thank you for joining us on this gecko adventure, and may your future gecko companion bring you joy, wonder, and unforgettable moments.


Gecko Showdown: Crested Vs Gargoyle - My Personal Thoughts


Shining a Light on UVB: A Guide for Crested and Gargoyle Gecko Owners